Meeting Minutes – July 9, 2015

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Midtown Square Board Meeting Minutes 7-9-2015

Midtown Square Homeowner’s Association Board Meeting held on July 9, 2015

Board members present: Tina Velasquez, Janet Larson, Kim Batton, Mindy Wood and Suzanne Bankhead.

A quorum was established. Meeting held at Boardwalk Association Management’s conference room

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.

The Board revisited the idea of getting a separate water meter from the Cherry Lane Center. Currently, we share a meter and get reimbursed by the Business Park for 75% of the cost. The Board feels that paying 25% of the water bill all 12 months of the year is not representative of actual usage. Previously, the Board found the costs of splitting the meter to be prohibitive, but sharing the cost of the split with the Business Park may make it more feasible. A separate meter would ensure both parties were paying for actual usage and reduce the hassle of collecting the Business Park’s portion. Additionally, the shared sprinkler timer box was locked with a pad lock, but the lock has since been cut. It is unclear who cut the lock, but the time on the sprinklers was adjusted after it was cut. The Board determined that a combination lock, giving both the Business Park and the Subdivision access, would work better.

The Board discussed how Boardwalk Association Management handles CC&R enforcement. A representative from Boardwalk drives through the neighborhood on a regular basis and documents any CC&R violations with a photo. Letters are sent to the homeowner in violation via an immediate e-mail and mailed hard copy. Violations are tracked for length of time outstanding, remedy and potential legal action. Legal action is used as a last resort if agreement with the violating homeowner cannot be reached in a reasonable amount of time. There are a few items in the CC&R’s that the Board has considered modifying or changing. To amend or change the CC&R’s, the Board must bring each item to the Homeowners for a vote, which must be approved by a majority of Homeowners (24 homes). Once approved, amendments/changes must be written, signed, notarized and recorded with the County. Two such instances of concern are the process change requiring 3 Architectural Committee members, voted on at the May 31, 2015 meeting and the voted on and approved CC&R change allowing garage door windows. Board members can create a process or rules and regulations to clarify CC&R’s or that conflict with CC&R’s if an exception is necessary, approved and well documented. While recording the process change for the Architectural Committee is not required, the Board feels that it might help reduce confusion. The amendment allowing windows in garage doors will need to be written and properly recorded. Ongoing and recurring CC&R violations have been particularly problematic lately. Several homes have weed control and watering violations, some of which have been recurring or long outstanding. Also, onstreet parking, while allowed on City streets (with the exception of overnight parking of commercial vehicles), is discouraged for long term. Several vehicles are habitually parked on the street, making it difficult to see children and pets on the sidewalks. Also, vehicles parked on the street or in driveways must be licensed and operational. Trailer parking is only allowed for short term and commercial trailers are not allowed overnight. Janet Larson brought up the potential need to re-record the CC&R’s due to the age and the existence of several outdated portions concerning the initial development of the Subdivision. Nate, of Boardwalk Management did not feel it was necessary to re-record or remove CC&R’s because our current documents are adequate and binding. It has come to the attention of the Board that many Homeowners are not receiving or reviewing the CC&R’s when purchasing their homes. In previous years, the Board would provide new homeowners with a Welcome Packet, but this has not happened for several years and we are seeing an increase in CC&R violations and homeowners who do not have copies of the documents. Boardwalk sends out a ‘Welcome Letter’ to new homeowners when title transfer documents are received. The letter provides access instructions for Boardwalk’s website, which includes copies of our CC&R documentation and several other forms. Several members of the Board feel that providing some sort of packet with a physical copy of the CC&R’s would be more beneficial. While homebuyers should receive a copy of these documents at closing, they are often lost in the large pile of paperwork provided by title companies. Janet requested and received a physical copy of the CC&R’s to deliver to the most recent new homeowner at 1360 N Crestmont. Per an amendment to the CC&R’s, the percentage of rental homes allowed in the subdivision is capped at 20%, or nine homes. As of this meeting, the Board is aware of 11 homes being used as rentals. This exceeds the allowable amount. Again, it is the owner’s responsibility to comply with all CC&R’s. Per Nate of Boardwalk, the most recent homes converted or purchased as rentals must returned to owner occupied. The Board needs to ensure that all processes are in place and being followed accurately. Recently, an architectural change request was submitted and while ultimately approved, the process was unclear and led to some confusion. The Board wants to ensure that going forward, that change requests are voted on by 3 uninterested members of the Architectural Committee (as decided during the May 31, 2015 meeting). Additional Board members will only need to provide votes in the case of an interested party application or less than 3 Committee members are available. A recent increase in problem animals has been reported, including some aggressive dogs. The Board would like to remind homeowners that there is a leash law in Meridian, owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets, barking dogs are a nuisance and cats need to be contained on owner’s property. Meridian City no longer provides animal control officers, so all animal control situations need to be directed to the Idaho Humane Society (208-342-3508). A nuisance or vicious animal can also be reported to Meridian Police. Lastly, the Board discussed the need for a neighborhood newsletter. Boardwalk is currently working on providing those for clients. The Board feels that a newsletter might increase communication and awareness with homeowners. Meeting adjourned 7:30 p.m.